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Battlefield 3

Posted by fullsoft - -

Urban warfare
Battlefield 3 is a modern U.S. military shooter, set in real scenarios around the world. Not much is known about the plot, but is at least partially, on the border between Iran / Iraq.Battlefield 3 by some kind of conflict between the two countries, the U.S. was involved.

Looking at the screenshots and gameplay videos, it is clear that, as in recent Crytek Crysis 2, the star in Battlefield 3 will probably be the new engine. DICE Frostbite 2 looks like a big step up from the previous version, which is famous for its destructible environments. Movements of the soldiers are really convincing, and the level of detail in the new 3D environments is just enormous. Battlefield 3 examines the streets ahead of the competition and it is hard to believe that another party will compete in terms of graphics, although the game is not being released until summer 2011.

MultiplayerAnd a great single player campaign, Battlefield 3 is not a game Battlefield without serious multiplayer component. This iteration promises games with up to 64 players, and although it may not MAG Battlefield 3 is always impressive and probably make the game even more intense.


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